







Improving the WimHof Cold water challenge.

The purpose of the case study was to clear up all confusion surrounding the cold water challenge. As a result, users would be motivated to increase their completion rates and recommend it to others.

Helping Wim Hof improve their Cold Water Challenge

The main goal of the case study was to clear up all confusion around the cold water challenge from start to finish. This in turn would incentivize users to not only increase their completion rates but also recommend it to others.


User Research

Product Strategy

UI Design

Interaction Design

Usability Testing







5 weeks

The Problem

Taking the cold water challenge is a confusing and unrewarding experience. As a result, fewer people convert from free to paid plans. 

The Solution

The application should have tracking metrics throughout to incentivize continued use. User flow should be improved for easier task completion.

Usability Review

In order to gain a deeper understanding of the product, I conducted a usability audit to identify pain points and wow moments.

Business & User frustrations

As a business, Wim Hof would like to increase the rate of new users converting from a free to a premium paid plan during the 20-day cold shower challenge.

New users to the Wim Hof technique would like to easily set reminders, track their progress, and feel motivated to complete the cold shower challenge.

Primary Frustration

When new users are navigating through their first challenge, the process is confusing and unrewarding which results in a lack of motivation to continue using the application.

Secondary Frustration

As avid users return to the application, no visible metrics are provided regarding their current progress. Consequently, there will be no tangible insights for the user and they will be less likely to share their excitement with others.

Competitor Benchmarking

With a usability review complete, I moved on to competitor benchmarking to help me identify standards in competitor products that could be used to improve the existing experience.

Problem Space

How Might We improve the cold water challenge where the user has more control, fewer limitations, and an overall more rewarding experience resulting in greater completion rates and incentives to return?


To avoid following the first idea I conducted a series of ideation techniques. This allowed me to consider an array of solutions.

What can we add

Tracking metrics for better insights.

What can we improve

User flow and completion process.

User Flows

Following Ideation I created user flows of the existing experience and improved the flow based on the idea that fit with business and user goals

Rapid Prototyping

Before jumping in with hi-fidelity work I spent time rapidly prototyping the experience in lo-fidelity

Styles & Components

Next I created a color palette and component sets to be used across the design.

High Fidelity Prototype

Below is the final version of the prototype that I created. I included interactions and transitions from Figma to match the products flow.

Usability Testing

Next I created a usability test to gain insight into the performance of the design.

Test outcomes

Having tested the prototype, I learned that reducing the cognitive load of choices to be made from the home screen will improve the execution of the challenge. Which should improve completion rates and provide a rewarding experience.

Three key learnings

1. Providing the user with 1 clear challenge will help users in completion rates.

2. Giving users control over each phase of the challenge will improve the learnability of how the challenge is to be executed.

2. Providing progress metrics will incentivize the user to continue with the challenge the next day.

Next steps

I would like to explore more strategically placed sharing options. I would also like to explore calendar reminder options as well.